Beijing Customs seized a large number of allegedly infringing designer clothes

Beijing Customs yesterday successfully seized 39 cases of international brand handbags, accessories and garments, including LV, GUCCI, CHANEL, HERMES, PRADA and so on. This is the largest case in which Beijing Customs seized the largest number of cases this year.

Capital Airport Customs found out through the risk analysis that a batch of export goods was declared as garments with 4,581 items, but the declared price was only over 20,000 US dollars. The average price of each item of clothing was less than 5 US dollars, causing the customs clearance of on-site customs clearance. The vigilant. After customs check it out of the box, in addition to some clothing items, there are a large number of bags with world-renowned brand logos, such as LV handbags, scarves, GUCCI handbags and wallets, CHANEL handbags, and HERMES, PRADA handbags. Wait. Customs professionals initially determined that the goods were counterfeit goods and were infringing goods.

According to reports, although these bags are leather material, but there are some traces on it, showing that the work is still very rough, and the quality of international brands is very different; at the same time the price of these packages on the label is obviously low, often marked "1688 "Yuan" and other "national unified retail prices", and the formal international brands will not have such a price.

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